Go solar with Leading Edge Energy

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Onsite rooftop solar energy generation is one of the most cost-effective ways to reduce your energy spend and minimise your dependence on the grid.

Rooftop solar continues to be attractive because it is cheap, reliable and businesses that install them enjoy a rebate from Federal Government incentives.

There is a possibility the incentives will be removed by 2021 and there has never been a better time to invest in rooftop solar. Leading Edge Energy recently oversaw a multi-site Hotel Group rooftop solar installation which reduced their energy spend across five sites by $60,000 per annum.

The New South Wales Hotel Group approached Leading Edge Energy for advice when it was faced with an $85,000 price hike over five sites when it was due to re-contract its electricity supply in 2017.

Install rooftop solar and regain control

solar subsidies

After analysing the situation, Leading Edge Energy suggested rooftop solar as an effective way to reduce costs and regain control.

We studied the first site and provided a solar feasibility study which showed that the first hotel was an ideal site for solar. The large flat rooftop of the hotel proved to be perfect and could fit the maximum 100 kW threshold which was eligible for Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs).

After comparing the site’s load profile and available roof space, we established that the hotel would be generating $21,500 per year worth of electricity – based on the new and higher rates.

After establishing the ideal footprint, Leading Edge Energy went to tender with four top-tier solar installers to identify the best value solution in terms of output, reliability, and lifespan. Once presented with the offers, we selected the best value deal and began preparations for the installation.

As soon as the meter was made ‘solar ready’, the installation went ahead under our supervision and the switch was flicked on.

Energy health checks with rooftop solar

energy appraisal

The process was repeated at another two sites in the group and at a new site that the group had just acquired. The systems were all given a health check and through our remote monitoring software, we identified some teething issues.

One circuit breaker was not switched on during the install and as a result, the system was generating a reduced output of electricity. This was easily rectified and once it was turned on, the system began to operate at peak performance.

At another site, our health check found that a data card on one of the inverters had failed. A replacement was installed under warranty and the system began to operate as it was designed to.

Thousands to be saved on network tariffs

Leading Edge Energy monitors and analyses data from all our clients to ensure that the systems are operating at optimum generating capacity.

Once the systems were fully operational, Leading Edge Energy found that eligible for a reduced network tariff with Ausgrid. Network tariffs are charges for the distribution of electricity and can account for up to 70% of the total bill. Being on the right tariff can result in thousands being knocked off your electricity bill.

Once all the systems were fully operational, Leading Edge Energy conducted a review of the accounts and found one of the sites was eligible for a network tariff change with distributor Ausgrid, as well as a kVA reset, which saved a further $200 per month. This works out to $2,400 less in outgoings per year.

Distributors issue their charges according to the highest month of demand during the year, however, Leading Edge Energy can request that the consumption is measured from the relevant month with a kVA reset.

Call on 1300 852 770 or drop us an email at info@leadingedgeenergy.com.au to speak to one of our experts to see how we can help your business reduce its energy spend.

Leading Edge Energy is proud to be a signatory of the National Customer Code for Energy Brokers, Consultants and Retailers.