
How should I adapt my business during coronavirus times?

With a second wave of COVID-19 occurring throughout Australia, restrictions are once again being put in place. Along with lingering effects of the first wave, businesses now also have to decide what to do now that further lockdowns are being enforced. And as a business owner, it’s time to ask yourself: “should I adapt my business or do I have to let it hibernate?”

The situation for businesses

Closed business - restrictions due to COVID-19

The effects of coronavirus on businesses cannot be overstated. Funds can be quite tight for companies due to operating restrictions, continued charging of rent and utilities, need to support employees through this crisis. Businesses have had to choose between pivoting their business strategy or temporarily shuttering down. In some cases, some companies have even had to permanently close. 

With the situation still unknown for the foreseeable future, companies that want to stay open will need to manage their finances to ensure that they can stay steady for as long as they can.

You can get help

Thankfully, coronavirus support for businesses has been available from the government such as the recently expanded Jobkeeper Payment. The different state and territory governments also offer COVID assistance schemes specifically for commercial energy users, in addition to programs that have existed prior to the pandemic.  

In addition to the programs from the various state and territory governments, the Federal Government has provided guidelines for energy payment support for consumers based on the Australian Energy Regulator’s (AER) 10 new expectations of energy businesses

Leading Edge Energy can help you adapt your business

Strategising to adapt your business

As experienced entrepreneurs, Leading Edge Energy knows the importance of having confidence in our finances because it ensures our production resources and therefore our ability to serve our clients and support our team. Unfortunately, the coronavirus pandemic’s unpredictability makes it hard to be assured about cashflow.

That’s why Leading Edge Energy is reiterating our commitment to helping businesses in Australia reduce energy costs. Our services will allow business owners to adapt and control their energy expenses. This way you can use your savings towards obtaining raw materials, providing services or products to your customers, or supporting employees during this time.

Our multi-faceted approach to energy efficiency means we look at all the ways to help commercial energy and natural gas users save on their bills. These can range from:

Energy tenders services – One of our focusses at Leading Edge Energy is finding the best deals for commercial electricity and natural gas users in Australia. We are able to do this by maintaining our enduring and positive working relationships with the country’s major energy retailers.

Account monitoring, management, analysis and optimisation – COVID-19 restrictions and the resulting economic conditions have made it absolutely essential to control expenses. Account monitoring lets us know if you’re on the right tariff, we can keep track of your energy use, and ensure that you’re only spending for what you consume and not a cent more.

Integrated energy efficiency – And of course, you can’t save money on your electricity or gas bills if you’re not being efficient. To get you started, we can schedule an assessment to see which lighting or HVAC upgrades, and other adjustments are necessary to make sure your site is well-optimised without sacrificing your business’ requirements.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Leading Edge Energy’s experts can take a look at various ways to reduce your energy bills. Increased cash flow can be diverted to other business goals to help get your business through this financially uncertain period.

Let Your People in Power help you ride out the second wave. 

Learn more by checking out our capability statement or by getting in touch with our energy brokers at 1300 852 770 or

But if you’re ready to jump into energy savings, sign up to get the latest and best energy cost reduction offers now.

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