
How to manage your commercial electricity costs better in 2021

With our vaccine rollouts going on full steam and improving response to the pandemic, restrictions are easing up and businesses are now open. But rising from the challenges that came with COVID-19 isn’t going to be quick and easy. As such, we believe that you should include managing your commercial electricity costs in your equation for business recovery.

So, what should you do to get on top of your business electricity costs?

1. Re-evaluate your current setup. Is it still viable in the New Normal?

When the pandemic started, people had to work from home. While this may have been temporary for some businesses, other companies were made to realise that having their employees home-based to some extent may be worth integrating into the long term. 

What does this mean?  

It means that companies maintaining a business site have opportunities to improve their workplace set-up for the New Normal. Some things they can consider are downsizing the premises, if possible, and yes, including energy efficiency measures to ensure that, with the low but already rising cost of electricity in Australia, businesses aren’t wasting electricity that could add up tremendously on their bills.

2.  Consider having a solar energy system set up for your site

Installing a rooftop solar system can mean significant savings for businesses. Not only will it bring their bills down, but it also comes with the bonus of being a green business model which may be attractive to eco-minded entrepreneurs and customers. (Incidentally, consumer preference for sustainable and eco-friendly businesses and products has been growing.)

Admittedly, rooftop solar can be a hefty investment but the long-term savings can’t be denied, as Leading Edge Energy clients Devitt Wholesale Meats and Carriage House in Wagga Wagga discovered. Fortunately too, the Australian government also offers grants or incentives to businesses that switch to solar, alleviating some of the outlay.

3. Consult an Energy Broker

We won’t mince our words; it really all boils down to hiring an energy management consultant or energy broker. And our team at Leading Edge Energy is made up of energy experts who are entirely committed to ensuring that our clients get the best opportunities to save on their electricity bills. 

As experienced energy brokers, we understand that you may not always have the time to compare offerings from energy providers when you’re focused on helping your business grow and that’s okay. We’ll gladly take care of that for you! 

Our experts have honed their technical skills, built relationships with top energy providers, kept up with relevant policies and technology, and developed an unrivalled dedication to clients. We can handle the nitty-gritty to get you the best possible deals and solutions out on the market. 

No matter what industry you’re in, you get the whole nine yards from Leading Edge’s energy experts. From site assessment to energy procurement and everything that applies in between – and we’ll always be on the lookout for more ways to keep your energy costs down as the New Normal develops.

Let us help you manage your business’ electricity costs better

Why don’t you contact us for an obligation-free consultation to get an idea of how Leading Edge’s energy experts can help you? Or, if you want to get started saving on your commercial electricity costs straightaway, fill out our form here. Easy peasy!   

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