
Book an obligation-free energy appraisal today

Leading Edge Energy’s core mission is to help you spend less on electricity, and we won’t charge you for it with our obligation-free energy appraisal.

Our approach towards making savings on electricity bills is a holistic one, with an energy appraisal evaluating consumption, waste, incorrect charges, tendering at the right time and investing in behind the meter generation.

Australia’s energy market is complicated, noisy and volatile and prices are still astronomically high when compared to just a few years ago.

We identify companies which can benefit from our services and offer an energy appraisal, without obligation.

We know that in a substantial amount of cases, we found ways to help our clients save money.


We check charges

  • Network Charges
  • Metering Charges
  • Electricity Rates

The first thing we do is check your network charges. Network charges are fixed and account for between 50 and 70% of your bill. Although they are fixed, there are different tariffs and we will determine which one would best suit your business.

For example, if you consume less than 160MW per year, you should be in a lower fee bracket. If that’s the case, we will assist you in securing a cheaper tariff.

electricity rates

We have successfully helped many businesses save up to $5,000 per year on their electricity bill. 

Similarly, we will determine your metering charges. In the past, many brokers pushed clients into signing Direct Metering Agreements that ran well beyond their retail contracts. This means that they are paying for a service they are not even receiving.

We can assist you to terminate such agreements and present a new agreement which is tied to the length of your retail contract.

We also review your electricity rates and monitor the live market to determine when the best time is to lock on rates and advise you on the term you should sign for.


We Determine

One of the most important things to keep up with when keeping your electricity affairs in order is to plan ahead for your contract end date. All too often, we come across cases where businesses have been caught out by fast approaching ends of contract. This can lead to pressured and rushed decisions. We will remind you of your termination date well in advance of this happening in order to begin searching for a new deal.

Another very important piece of information to be aware of is your annual consumption. By determining this figure, we can compare it to previous years to see where costs have crept up and how we can lower them. We apply this to network tariff optimisation and finding improved rates.


We help you save money

renewable energyOnce we have carried out our appraisal of your business, we immediately look to ways to cut your spend. We will analyse your business and present you with an action plan to reduce consumption.

We do this in a variety of ways, some low tech and some high tech. One of the first things we check is lighting equipment. If your business uses energy-guzzling lighting such as halogen or incandescent, we could help you make savings of up to 80%.

We also advise you on ways to reduce your spend on air conditioning and heating by up to 60%, and 30% on refrigeration. We can also help you reduce your costs with the installation of soft starters, variable speed motors and smart water heating.

We can also install smart monitoring technology at your premises to help you make informed strategic decisions, such as when to gear energy-intensive activities up or down in relation to peak and trough prices.

We can also help you manage your activities by presenting you with real-time consumption data.


Rooftop solar generation

energy retailersLeading Edge Energy believes that self-sufficiency and renewable energy technology is the way forward. We believe that rooftop solar is the most cost-effective way to reduce your energy spend with an impressive return on investment.

We will analyse your business premises and present you with a mapped out plan for rooftop solar, including size, output, and long-term performance.

When we go to tender, we compare like-with-like offers from reputable and established solar installers to identify the one best suited to your business premises.


Wholesale market tendering

Our Energy Management Consultants continuously monitor the National Energy Market in real-time. Leading Edge Energy’s operations are centred on staying ahead of time, identifying the exact time which would be the best to go to tender for the best possible deal.


What next?

Contact Leading Edge Energy today to get your free energy appraisal. Call us today on 1300 852 770 or email us at Alternatively, you can fill out our authority form and once we receive it, one of our consultants will be in touch with you.

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