
Grow with Leading Edge’s new services

Leading Edge is growing thanks to our loyal clients. In a world where energy security is anything but secure, we have carved a niche in the market by providing an affordable and obligation-free energy tender service together with honest and frank advice on how to minimise business energy costs and waste.

New services

In response to the current state of the market, we are pleased to be in the process of rolling out a range of additional services to ensure that our valued clients are getting the most out of their relationship with us:

  • Monthly invoice comparison reportingThis is an addition to our current invoice validation service that we provide to all Leading Edge commercial electricity customers. Our report provides business managers with 13 months of energy usage and cost data so
  •  Solar energy tenders – This service is currently being rolled out as a pilot scheme. We aim to simplify the process of selecting a solar installer through a formal tender process with fixed requirements so we can present a range of quotes on a like-for-like basis.
  • Energy efficiency solutions – We offer a range of solutions to help businesses minimise energy waste caused by old and inefficient plants and equipment. The service includes a complimentary on-site assessment for existing commercial electricity clients of Leading Edge.
  • Energy project commercialisationOur aim is to deliver energy cost reduction solutions that result in a cash flow positive outcome from day 1. For this reason, we assess government rebate, grant and private funding options as part of our service.

It is our no-nonsense and common sense approach to energy cost reduction that has brought us to where we are today, a trusted and respected company which seeks to help businesses not only survive but grow. Our team of experts analyse consumption patterns to find the best possible plans on the market. They also audit establishments to eliminate waste and can also advise on the best options for self-generation of power. We have achieved and we want to continue to achieve. We have been pushing hard since 2013 and we are now growing in business portfolio, client base and staff levels.

Because you trust us, we are also able to put something back into the Australian economy and we are hiring more people to help you. Leading Energy – committed to honesty, integrity and expertise in the energy field.

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Ben Walllington
0412 676 114
Ewen Beard
0481 345 181
Milad Samiee
0451 676 706

Leading Edge Energy is proud to be a signatory of the National Customer Code for Energy Brokers, Consultants and Retailers.