
How Leading Edge can help you navigate COVID-19 as a business?

For the last 10 years Leading Edge Energy, has always had our clients top of mind. This value guides us as we face the difficult challenge of responding to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Industry shutdowns, social-distancing, supply-chain disruptions, and a tumbling Aussie dollar are dramatically changing the way companies operate.

Short-term liquidity and pragmatic cash flow management are essential for every business during this time. We assure you that as your trusted energy experts, Leading Edge has your back and is here to assist you.

Over the coming days and weeks, Ben, Ewen, and Madonna will be checking in with you to ensure you’re getting the assistance you need from an energy cost management point of view.

Below are some of the options that they can discuss with you:

  1. How to re-negotiate your current contract.
  2. How to review and reclassify your network tariff.
  3. How to negotiate more favourable credit terms with your energy retailer.
  4. How to reduce energy usage – simple tips.
  5. How to take advantage of government stimulus.

Talk to us about how we can help you:

1. Re-negotiate your current contract

For commercial & industrial contracts, some energy retailers give their customers the option to re-negotiate energy rates during the term of the contract. This is generally a good option for energy users to consider in a falling market in which their current contracted rates are greater than current retailer offers in the market.

Wholesale energy prices have dropped substantially in recent months which makes now an excellent opportunity to renegotiate via a “blend and extend” offer.

Request a Blend and Extend Offer

2. Network tariff review & Re-classification

Many industries are winding back operations, and some are having to reposition their business because of industry-wide lockdowns. This can cause material changes to a business’s electricity usage profile.

Leading Edge has been actively engaging with electricity distribution network providers to identify strategies that will enable business energy users to secure saving on their network charges. This may be in the form of a downgrade in network tariff, which may result in a reduced fixed daily charge or else a reduction in demand charges. 

Request a Network Tariff Reset

3. Negotiate credit terms

Many of Australia’s most prominent corporations have stepped up during the crisis. All the major energy retailers are considering options to relieve the financial burden COVID-19 is placing on businesses. If you are worried about paying the next bill or facing a disconnection, we can help you negotiate revised terms. 

Get Help with Credit

4. Minimise energy usage

Minimising electricity usage is one of the simplest and most overlooked methods to reduce outgoings immediately. We can help you manage the downturn. For example, can you consolidate stock to fewer cool-rooms? If your business isn’t opening cool-rooms often, could they be set to a higher temperature?

5. Take advantage of government stimulus

The government stimulus announced by the federal government on 12th March allows businesses to benefit from an instant asset write-off for capital expenditure up to $150 thousand. This presents a very compelling investment case for businesses seeking to cut energy costs, improve cash flow and gain some tax relief.

Our solar feasibility involves an independent review of the business case for solar at your business premises.

Request a Solar Feasibility Study

In the meantime

We are always committed to helping out where we can and we are focused on getting in contact with all of our valued clients as quickly as we can, especially during the COVID-19 crisis. Please note that each of the measures that we are proposing is complimentary and obligation-free. 

Talk to your Leading Edge Energy energy broker directly, or contact us via return email or phone 1300 852 770.

Talk with an Energy Expert.

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Ben Walllington
0412 676 114
Ewen Beard
0481 345 181
Milad Samiee
0451 676 706

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