Five Reasons You Need an Energy Expert.

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Australia’s high electricity costs seem to be constantly making headlines and with aging generators, high network costs and investor uncertainty there isn’t much relief in sight. Although most business owners clearly recognise the benefits of active energy management and the pitfalls of a ‘set and forget’ approach, finding the time to do the legwork is a whole other matter. This is why many businesses are turning to energy experts for help.

If you have been asking yourself whether outsourcing to an energy expert is the right choice for you, here are some things to consider.

1. It’s complicated

Electricity pricing is notoriously confusing and it does require specialized knowledge to navigate. Getting a good deal will require you to consider your load profile, understand tariff structures, compare offers from multiple retailers, decipher obscure technical jargon, and monitor and analyse wholesale energy markets. If you are locking into a fixed-term contract, any mistakes could prove very costly. At Leading Edge Energy, we understand state-specific energy cost drivers and tariff structures. Monitor the National Electricity Market in real-time and will take the time to understand the unique needs of your business.

2. Save time, save money with an energy expert (otherwise known as win, win)

Managing energy costs effectively requires a level of vigilance that you would probably rather be putting into your business’s core functions.  By outsourcing energy management you get the benefit of specialist expertise while you can get on with what you do best. Importantly the savings can be substantial. Take St Maroun’s College for example who are saving an average of 21% on their daily rates. Or Sydney Freezers who knocked a massive $85,000 off their yearly bill after enlisting the help of an energy expert from Leading Edge Energy. We expect to find a saving in 95% of cases compared with a direct retail offer.

3. Multi-Site and Group Tender Expertise

A great way to save on energy costs is through group tenders. Group tenders leverage combined purchasing power to negotiate a better deal. A group can consist of multiple sites within the one business or a group of like-minded businesses willing to join together in pursuit of lower prices. These deals require expertise and central organisation that can be difficult for individual businesses to provide. Leading Edge Energy are multi-site and group tender specialists and can help you assess whether this sort of arrangement could work for you.

4. Spot billing errors

We all know electricity bills can be difficult to read. As such it can be hard to spot a billing error even if it is staring you right in the face. Energy experts can conduct bill verification services to ensure you are not being overcharged. Leading Edge Energy’s Energy Management Consultants recently secured a $12,900 refund for Port Campbell Hotel in Victoria. After identifying that they had been incorrectly placed onto a large business default rate. The refund represented close to 50% of the annual spend.

5. It’s free!

Still not convinced? You may be surprised to learn that our energy tendering process is free. There is no obligation to take up the offers we provide. Simply send us a bill and an authority form and we’ll do the rest. You have nothing to lose!

If you think it is time to enlist the professionals, contact one of our Energy Experts.

We are the energy experts so you don’t have to be.

Leading Edge Energy is proud to be a signatory of the National Customer Code for Energy Brokers, Consultants and Retailers.