Blend and Extend: What is it and how does it help you?

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We’ll be straight with you: we’re keenly aware that as entrepreneurs, you would rather be spending your time figuring out how best to make profits and not agonising over how expensive your commercial electricity bills are and how far off the end of your energy contract is. Fortunately, we can relieve you of some of that burden with a blend and extend plan.

Sounds interesting! But what is “blend and extend?”

It’s actually a strategy that helps business owners save money in the short term. The gist of it is that it lets you renegotiate your current commercial energy contract for a lower rate, provided that you extend your engagement with your electricity or gas provider.

Basically, it merges your current contract with a new contract so that, while it is longer, you’re protected from price fluctuations.

When does this type of scheme become necessary?

You may look into a blend and extend scheme when you’re on a running contract that you’re finding expensive and you heard that electricity and gas prices are currently lower but they’re also expected to rise in the future. Or if your budget took a cut because of the uncertain economic environment, you may be eligible to sign up for a blend and extend energy plan.

This is definitely something you should consider if your current contract makes you want to break your contract – something we discourage because termination fees can end up costing you a lot.

Tell Me If I’m Eligible For Blend and Extend

Can just anyone go on this type of setup?

To answer your question: No.

You’ll have to be on a fixed-rate contract, in a deregulated market, or working with a third-party supplier to even be eligible for this. Besides, energy suppliers don’t really offer blend and extend just off the bat.

Luckily, with the help of your energy brokers at Leading Edge Energy, we can help you negotiate to get you a better contract that’s more attuned to your business needs and budgets. Not only that, if you engage our energy experts, we’ll also apply our holistic approach to ensure that we’re doing all we can to help you reduce your energy costs.

How do I get started?

All you need to do is get in touch with us here or call us at 1300 852 770 and we’ll discuss how to move forward and get you short-term savings by re-evaluating and renegotiating your energy contracts. A bonus? The consultation is obligation-free!

Leading Edge Energy is an energy brokerage firm in Australia specialising in energy cost reduction, solar and storage procurement, electricity and natural gas use monitoring and reporting for commercial industrial clients. Follow us on LinkedIn or Facebook for updates on the energy industry and more.

Leading Edge Energy is proud to be a signatory of the National Customer Code for Energy Brokers, Consultants and Retailers.