Blend and Extend saved The Liuzzi Group $700k!

The Liuzzi Group are property managers and developers with diverse assets across Australia. With electricity prices in steep decline, Liuzzi were keen to find out if they could get in on the action.

The situation

Liuzzi Group were introduced to us through a channel partner and were looking to reduce their energy spend across 17 sites. They had noticed that electricity prices had fallen sharply but still had two years remaining on their contract and were unsure of their options. 

What we did

Our energy expert Ben Wallington was able to negotiate a new ‘blend and extend’ contract for the 17 sites that slashed a massive $700 000 off the Liuzzi Group’s energy bill! Blend and extend contracts are a great option for large energy users to achieve immediate savings even when locked into a contract. In a nutshell, when electricity prices fall below the current contracted price, a lower price can sometimes be negotiated by agreeing to an extended contract. The new lower price is ‘blended’ with the previous higher price to deliver savings from day one!

“We are thrilled with the savings Ben was able to negotiate for us. He did the necessary research and legwork and has achieved an amazing result for our business. Thanks Ben!” – Ursula Yako, Leasing Executive.

Ben is currently doing a roll in for an additional site the company has recently acquired.

Want to benefit from lower electricity prices but you’re still engaged in a contract?

Let Leading Edge Energy help you renegotiate your contract so you can reduce your bills now instead of waiting for your current contract to expire. Fill out our Blend and Extend form we’ll evaluate your contract and consumption to find all the ways we can help you lower your commercial electricity bills.

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