$60K per annum cheaper energy rates for the Capricorn Hotel

The Capricorn Hotel in Queensland is now paying energy rates that are $5,000 per month – $60k per annum – cheaper than their previous contract after Leading Edge Energy took over their procurement process.

The Capricorn Hotel engaged Leading Edge to analyse their energy accounts as the exorbitant bills they were receiving were putting pressure on the business.

Leading Edge took its detailed approach and found that the hotel would benefit from moving from a small business energy plan to a large business contracted plan.

The Capricorn Hotel was on a plan with Ergon on a bundled bill and paying very high rates. When you factor in that the business is energy-intensive, you have a recipe for disaster.

Leading Edge Energy carried out a competitive tendering process and tracked the National Energy Market movements to obtain the best possible rates available for the Capricorn Hotel.

A situation we come across quite often is that businesses are put on default rates when there are alternatives on the market.

We find ways to cut your energy spend

The reality is that in most cases, we can identify ways to reduce what a business spends on energy.

We can cut costs by switching a business to the correct network tariff, improved plans, Direct Metering Agreements or just adjusting high energy rates that need an expert’s attention.

Our service is completely obligation free, so there is no harm in seeing what we can do for you. We always advise our clients right up to the point where they are ready to make an informed and educated decision about what they want to do.

The key figures:

  • Monthly bill before LEE:3 $13,500 (average)
  • Monthly bill after LEE: $$6,500 (average)

Other benefits:

A new smart meter installed

Energy rates locked in for four years

Rooftop solar feasibility study provided

Energy audit provided

What’s next?

After securing more advantageous energy rates for the Capricorn Hotel, we are now advising them on how to reduce their energy consumption through investing in energy-efficient technologies and rooftop solar.

Want to find out more?

Send us your energy invoice and complete our authority form for a complimentary energy evaluation. We will analyse your energy rates; network rates; energy efficiency; and present you with a rooftop solar feasibility report. Contact our Energy Management Consultant Ewen Beard today on tel: 0481 345 181 or by email at e.beard@leadingedgeenergy.com.au

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