Leading Edge Energy identifies $95,000 of savings for Temptation Bakeries & Gluten-Free Bakehouse.

Our Energy Consultant identified incorrect Network Tariffs to the tune of $58 200 per annum across three sites and delivered a further $37 000 in savings through a group tender for multi-site business Temptation Bakeries.

The Situation

Temptation Bakeries has five sites, three of which were found to be on incorrect Network Tariffs. Previously brokers had been engaged with these sites, however, they did not realise the tariffs were incorrect.

What we did

After completing a tariff analysis our Energy Consultant moved the three sites with incorrect Network Tariffs to a new structure.

These changes will deliver savings of:

Site 1: $24 000 p/a

Site 2: $4 200 p/a

Site 3: $30 000 p/a

That’s a whopping $58 200 a year that Temptation Bakeries was forking out for nothing. And we weren’t done yet. Our Energy Consultant leveraged the combined purchasing power of three of the sites to secure a lower contract price through a group tender. This approach led to a further $37 000 p/a in savings. Moving forward LEE will contract the remaining two sites and assist with the new connection of any future sites that are to be developed. 

Are you paying too much?

Electricity pricing is complex and sometimes it takes experience to spot errors and opportunities.

If you are not sure if your business is on the right Network Tariff or you would like to explore group tender opportunities for contract procurement our Energy Management Experts can assist you. You don’t need to be a multi-site business in order to participate in a group tender, we may be able to link you with like-minded businesses to boost your purchasing power.

We are the energy experts so you don’t have to be.

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