Network tariff adjustment leads to 30 percent annual saving for Men from Marr’s

Leading Edge Energy recently identified a quick win for Marr Contracting (‘The Men from Marr’s’) to reduce their Ausgrid network tariff.

Marr are world leaders in the design and delivery of heavy lift crane solutions and craneage services. The Australian-owned family business is also big on its commitment to sustainability and invests heavily in the latest technology to improve its equipment and processes. 

They recently installed a rooftop solar array to reduce its carbon footprint and diversify its electricity supply options. After installing solar, Marr’s annual consumption dropped below a 160 MWh threshold on Ausgrid network tariffs. 

We approached Ausgrid and informed them of the reduction in Marr’s electricity consumption pattern and requested to move them to a more advantageous tariff.

The request was accepted and the business was moved into a different tariff bracket, resulting in a significant network tariff saving of 30% per annum.

This worked out to an instant annual saving of $4,200.

We installed rooftop solar to reduce our carbon footprint and were more than pleasantly surprised when Leading Edge got in touch to tell us they had identified another opportunity to make savings. Their analytical skills saved us an extra $4,200 per annum” – Caroline Johnson, Purchasing Manager, Marr Contracting

Source: Leading Edge Energy data

How much can your business save?

If your business has taken action to reduce energy consumption, it could benefit from reduced network tariffs and administrative costs. 

Leading Edge Energy’s consultants can analyse your bills and explain where you could make savings in an obligation-free consultation.

Get in touch on 1300-852-770 or email us at and let’s talk about how you can save on your commercial electricity costs.

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