$19,000 per annum saving for Neuendorf Farming after Leading Edge Energy rates fix

Neuendorf Farming made an instant saving of $19,000 per year on their electricity bill after Leading Edge Energy switched them from a small business offer to a fixed commercial contract, giving them access to wholesale rates.

The owners did not realise they were paying 25% more than what they should have been paying.

Their retailer Origin had them on an SME tariff, where they were paying an extremely high rate of 23c/kWh for their electricity. Because they did not have an energy advisor, they were none the wiser to the huge sum of money they were forking out extra.

Leading Edge action leads to 27% energy cost savings

When Leading Edge Energy looked into Neuendorf Farming’s account, we soon established that they were in the wrong rate bracket.

They were paying big bucks for an SME account when they should have been offered a commercial rate for their high annual consumption of 290,000 kWh.

We see similar scenarios play out time and again at Leading Energy because business owners are left in the dark by retailers about what rates they should be paying.

Leading Edge Energy does all the legwork in chasing up retailers and negotiating better rates. If the retailer does not offer a better deal, we will find one elsewhere.

We do the legwork so business owners can concentrate on other concerns.

How we did it

When Neuendorf allowed us to negotiate on their behalf we went to tender and reduced their total energy spend by 27%.

We carved $19,138.23 off their annual bill and the competitive rates have been secured under a 24-month contract with a new retailer.

Neuendorf Farming were astounded at the huge savings they made by switching over to a new retailer with a suited tariff rate.

Without engaging with a trusted Energy Advisor, Neuendorf Farming would never have known they were in the wrong market and were wasting a substantial amount of money on their electricity bill each year.

What’s next?

Leading Edge Energy does not stop at securing better electricity rates. Once we begin monitoring an account, we can recommend strategies to eliminate waste and increase your energy efficiency.

We will be looking at trimming even more off Neuendorf Farming’s electricity bills by identifying practical ways that they can reduce consumption, manage it better and reinforce behavioural change.

Leading Edge Energy will also evaluate the business to tailor a behind the meter PV solar generation plant to further slash bills, reduce carbon footprint and increase independence from the grid.

Call us today for a free consultation on tel: 1 300 852 770 or send us an email on info@leadingedgeenergy.com.au.

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