Small changes add up to big savings at Lock, Stock and Bottle

Leading Edge Energy assisted independent bottle shop ‘Lock, Stock and Bottle’ to slash their energy bill by a massive 62% through a combination of rate negotiations, equipment upgrades and onsite generation.

The Situation

Lock, Stock and Bottle were paying around $1200 per month for their electricity bill and we helped them get it down to around $450 per month over a two-year period. That’s a massive $9000 saved per year. Amazingly the business’ revenue doubled over the same period meaning energy productivity has dramatically increased.

What we did

The owner was already a savvy negotiator and had secured a competitive energy rate. We assisted with equipment upgrades including energy efficient lighting, soft starters on small refrigeration and variable speed drive (VSD) on the coolroom.

More savings are delivered through onsite generation with Leading Edge Energy assisting with a solar installation on the premises. Moving forward our Energy Expert will conduct a network tariff analysis which could potentially reduce the bill even further.

There was no silver bullet in this case (excuse the pun), instead, lots of small changes have added up to one huge saving.

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