Leading Edge Energy secures solar credit for Border Inn Hotel and identifies obsolete tariff

The situation

The Border Inn Hotel has been generating solar on site but had not received a solar feed in tariff from their electricity retailer for 2 years! Our Energy Expert picked up the error that they were due solar credit and also discovered that the pub was on an obsolete tariff that was adding $8500 to their annual bill.

What we did

When our Energy Expert audited the Border Inn’s bill it became apparent that they hadn’t been paid for the electricity they were feeding to the grid through an onsite solar installation. They hadn’t been paid for two years!

We arranged for the $711 solar credit to be paid before arranging a new contract. We are continuing to work with the Border Inn Hotel to ensure they maximise the return on their solar array. We are looking at battery solutions which could allow the pub to self consume all its solar generation or sell it back to the grid during times of peak demand.

In addition to addressing The Border Inn’s woes by securing their solar credit, Leading Edge Energy was able to save the business $8500 per annum through the allocation of the appropriate network tariff.

Are you getting the most out of your solar installation?

Since the generous state government solar feed-in schemes are now a thing of the past, solar panel owners need to do a bit of legwork to ensure they are getting the most out of their system. Generally self-consumption will yield the best returns since every kW consumed ‘behind the meter’ is a kW that doesn’t have high network costs added to it.

Our Energy Experts can help you maximise the returns on your solar generation system through a full analysis that ensures you store, consume and sell your solar energy at the right time and the right price. Call us for an obligation free chat.

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