$22K per annum knocked off the Thala Beach Nature Reserve after rates fix

A 145-acre eco-accommodation resort sprawling over a private headland between Cairns and Port Douglas in Queensland, the Thala Beach Nature Reserve is on National Geographic’s Unique Lodges list.

The resort used to purchase its electricity from Ergon on a retail contract at highly inflated prices.

The management engaged the services of Leading Edge Energy to secure cheaper electricity rates by entering into a market contract. Their energy spend has since been reduced by $22,000 per annum.

How we did it

Leading Edge Energy is constantly plugged into the National Energy Market and our Energy Management Consultants know the best time to bid when prices are favourable.

Leading Edge Energy’s operations are centred on staying ahead of time, identifying the exact time which would be the best to go to tender for the best possible deal.

When the time is right, we go to tender on your behalf and secure better deals.

Next steps

After meeting with one of our Energy Experts, the Thala Beach Nature Reserve management commissioned a free energy audit to identify areas where electricity is being wasted.

Savings of up to 80% on lighting, 60% on air-con and 30% on refrigeration can be made. To find out more about how Leading Edge Energy can reduce your energy spend, call us today for a free consultation on tel: 1 300 852 770 or send us an email at hello@leadingedgeenergy.com.au.

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