
“Ewen found savings in places we had not looked. His industry knowledge was superior to other energy consultants we have spoken to in the past”

Will Bateman, BBS Flooring Products owner

I’m not impressed easily. Ewen was impressive

“The $12,000 annual saving on network tariffs alone was an incredible result for us. Working through the different tariffs available is not easy and that’s where Ewen was able to offer fast advice and act on our behalf immediately. Ewen was a clear speaking professional who knows the electricity supply industry better than I do.”

Ian Mahoney , Alpha Detroit Heat Treatment Managing Director

What was also insightful was that Ewen told us that we could secure a new contract in advance, even if we were still under another contract. The additional savings from this was a real bonus. We locked in four years of low retail pricing well in advance, so we are future-proofed against any spikes in electricity prices that we all know are coming.

“Thanks to Leading Edge’s vigilance and knowledge of the wholesale futures market, we have been able to save substantially on our electricity costs.”

Mario Turcarelli, Dolphin Products Managing Director
Leading Edge Energy has always been proactive in advising us when wholesale prices are advantageous to our business. Thanks to their vigilance and knowledge of the wholesale futures market, we have been able to save substantially on our electricity costs.

“We’re excited about the school’s solar energy installations – not only are we going to be saving money on our power bills, but we’ll also be ‘green.’”

a representative of the NSW-based coed school
Leading Edge’s help has been invaluable. We don’t normally have the time to compare energy deals and the like, but Madonna took the lead and has made it so much easier for us. We’re excited about the school’s solar energy installations – not only are we going to be saving money on our power bills, but we’ll also be ‘green.’ Thank you, Leading Edge Energy!

“We are thrilled with the savings Ben was able to negotiate for us.”

Ursula Yako, Liuzzi Group Leasing Executive
We are thrilled with the savings Ben was able to negotiate for us. He did the necessary research and legwork and has achieved an amazing result for our business. Thanks Ben!

“Ben was really easy to deal with and explained all our options making it easier to make decisions across all the sites.”

Mark Sutherland, Solotel Group

“Ewen’s persistence in securing such strong savings will help greatly as we get back on our feet after the lockdown.”

Big4 Holiday Park’s Director
Ewen’s contract knowledge has delivered our business a huge saving that couldn’t have come at a better time. His persistence in securing such strong savings will help greatly as we get back on our feet after the lockdown.

“Reaching out to Leading Edge was a great decision for my business.”

Antoine Rizk, Mint Fresh IGA Managing Director
Reaching out to Leading Edge was a great decision for my business. Ewen read the market and secured an excellent deal that will save me about $33,000 a year. And by streamlining the bills across the four stores he has saved me a lot of time, when contract renegotiation time comes up again we can do it all in one go.

“This was a complex process but they were there every step of the way and it all went very smoothly.”

Kell Driver, owner of Devitt Wholesale Meats
Ewen Beard and the team at Leading Edge Energy were very easy to deal with. This was a complex process but they were there every step of the way and it all went very smoothly. We never knew how much money we could save!

“We have never seen a bill in the $2,000’s”

Joel Smellie, The Quality Inn Carriage House, Wagga Wagga

“LEE managed to save us almost $90k”

Leading Hospitality Group

As a large hospitality group, when LEE first engaged with us, we advised them that we were currently under contract for our LME electricity sites for another two years. They informed us that they could help us with our SME electricity sites and also our natural gas which many other brokers wouldn’t bother with.

As we’re a large group the overall cost of our SME electricity and gas is still very significant to our business and LEE managed to save us almost $90k. Not only have they saved us money but have also become a trusted advisor, educating us about the energy market.

We’re now looking into efficiency and solar options for the group as LEE informed us that if we were to reduce our consumption by just 6% for one of our sites, we would be entitled to a network tariff change, again saving us significant money.

We’re in regular contact with LEE and nothing is ever too much trouble, their customer service is second to none and they’re also a partner of the AHA which gives them even more credibility.

“They managed to save us $33,000 from the initial offer”

Norris Ma, Bayview International Hotels and Resorts

We were recently facing a huge increase in our electricity costs due to market increases. Leading Edge tendered our electricity, providing us with a set of quotes.

They then noticed a market decrease and requested updated pricing. After some negotiation with the retailer, they managed to save us $33’000 from the initial offer. They also procured our natural gas which resulted in a $40’000 saving per annum.

Leading Edge Energy are also very interested in reducing our consumption through solar & energy efficient technologies and are regularly advising us on energy companies to engage, and grants that are available. They truly offer a holistic approach of energy services.

“The team at Leading Edge has looked after our electricity and gas contracts for many years. We have always appreciated the team’s honest and transparent approach in helping our business better understand and manage our utilities.”

Nick Wills, Balmain Hotel Group

“We selected Leading Edge Energy because they provided a full comparison of all cost, not just the energy charges”

Angus Sharp, Blue Gum Hotel

We engaged several brokers when we were faced with a huge cost increase on our energy bill. We selected Leading Edge Energy because they provided a full comparison of all costs, not just the energy charges.

Unfortunately during the negotiations one of the other brokers signed us up to an extended metering agreement without fully explaining what they were doing. Leading Edge helped us get out of this agreement which saved us $20,000 over 5 years.

When we recently upgraded our air conditioning to more efficient models, Ben from Leading Edge noticed the drop in our consumption and arranged a demand reset with Ausgrid. This saved us an additional $6,000 per year off our demand charges.

“James from Leading Edge Energy has served us very well to date, gaining us a substantial refund at Gosford on initial engagement, reducing our energy bills substantially over 5 sites, checking our bills for accuracy on a monthly basis, and reviewing our contracts as they fall due.”

Carol Wilson, Harris & Narvo Hotels

“James and the team at Leading Edge have helped manage our electricity accounts since 2012. We value their honest and detailed approach in helping us minimise our power bills.”

Michael Caspers, Ellerston